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EC Mission Education – “Living a Mission-Minded Life in Busy Singapore.” 宣教教育 – “繁忙在新加坡,过着有使命感的生活。”

"In the fast-paced rhythm of Singapore, is there a way to stay grounded, purposeful, and intentional about mission-minded living? Find out more in our upcoming English Congregation Mission Education on 21 February (Friday evening 7:30pm via Zoom)" “在新加坡快节奏的生活中,有没有办法保持脚踏实地、有目的性和有意识地过着有使命感的生活? 2 月 21 日(星期五晚上 7:30 通过 Zoom)即将举行的英语堂宣教教育中了解更多信息”