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第51届差传年会 (周五) 51st Mission Convention (Friday)

差传培灵会 一 主题讲员:柯金菊博士 副题:神的使命 – 承传神祝福的子民(约 1:1-14)( 英- 华) / (粤) Mission Convention Plenary Session 1 Speaker: Dr. Kwa Kiem-Kiok Sub-theme: The Mission of God – People who are a blessing(John 1:1-14) (E – M) / (C) 大堂英语和华语视频 For the English and Mandarin Languages at Sanctuary: https://youtube.com/live/zprMqrGjABQ 粤语视频 For the Cantonese Language: https://youtube.com/live/HbEhqFh_viA  

第51届差传年会 (周六) 51st Mission Convention (Saturday)

差传培灵会 二 主题讲员:柯金菊博士 副题:神的工作 - 全方位服事的子民(创12:1-3, 太 5:14-16)( 英- 华) / (粤) Mission Convention Plenary Session 2 Speaker: Dr. Kwa Kiem-Kiok Sub-theme: The Work of God - People who serve holistically (Genesis 12:1-3, Matthew 5:14-16) (E - M) / (C) 大堂英语和华语视频 For the English and Mandarin Languages at Sanctuary: https://youtube.com/live/fS2voCUWtrM 粤语视频 For the Cantonese Language: […]

第51届差传年会 (主日) 51st Mission Convention (Sunday)

差传主日联合崇拜 主题讲员:柯金菊博士 副题: 我的回应 - 奉行神使命的子民(路 14:12-24)( 英-粤 ) / (华)   Mission Sunday Combined Service Speaker: Dr. Kwa Kiem-Kiok Sub-theme: What can I/we do? - People who do God’s Mission (Luke 14:12-24) (E - C) / (M) 大堂英语和粤语视频 For the English and Cantonese Languages at Sanctuary: https://youtube.com/live/wXjZDZ1-73Y 华语视频 For the Mandarin Language: https://youtube.com/live/u0NzP4ZikXM

联合崇拜 (现场与线上) Combined Service (On-site and Live stream)

Sanctuary Grace (SCC) Church, 14 Queen Street, Level 2, Singapore

联合崇拜 (现场与线上) Combined Service (On-site and Live stream) 会友大会联合崇拜 二零二四年九月二十二日 上午九时正 信息分享:《圣灵重生,荣神善行》 讲员:张传道 AGM COMBINED WORSHIP 22 September 2024, 9:00 am Sermon: Speaker: Ps Nicky Chong 您可以通过 YouTube 观看直播 live broadcasting via YouTube 粤 - 华 Cantonese - Mandarin Link 粤 - 英 Cantonese - English Link 注意:9月21日周六崇拜暂停一次 Attention: No Sat Worship on 21 September […]


Sanctuary Grace (SCC) Church, 14 Queen Street, Level 2, Singapore

联合崇拜暨执事就职礼(现场与线上) 信息分享:《从这代到那代:永不止息的传扬》 讲员:林德平博士 (牧师) 经文:诗篇145 COMBINED SERVICE CUM INSTALLATION OF DB (On-site and Live stream) Sermon: From One Generation to Another: Unceasing Proclamation Speaker: Rev Dr. Lim Teck Peng Scripture: Psalm 145 如欲观看YouTube直播,请点击以下链接: For YouTube live streams, please access them via these links 华语/粤语 Mandarin/Cantonese : YouTube Link 华语/英语 Mandarin/English: YouTube Link  

75th Anniversary cum Ordination Combined Worship Service 75周年纪念暨按牧典礼联合崇拜

Sanctuary Grace (SCC) Church, 14 Queen Street, Level 2, Singapore

讲题 : 神的国,教会,和家 经文 : 以弗所书 2: 11-22 Sermon The Kingdom of God, the Church, and the Family Scriptures: Colossians 3:11 如欲观看YouTube直播,请点击以下链接: For YouTube live streams, please access them via these links 英语/粤语 English/Cantonese : https://youtube.com/live/kEVnb8eiYrQ 英语/华语 English/Mandarin : https://youtube.com/live/wbwesVVYdbU