Grace Church’s Guidelines on Coronavirus
1. If you have recently returned from overseas, please monitor your health and seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell and do inform your congregation pastors and committee members.
2. And if you have recently returned from China or have any upcoming travel plans to China, please do inform your Congregation EXCO Members. For those serving in vulnerable groups (Elderly and Children), do discuss with your ministry leader(s) on the options.
3. Observe Good Personal Hygiene:
• Maintain good hygiene, including hand-washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizers.
• Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
• Maintain good indoor ventilation.
• Avoid sharing food, crockery, utensils, and other personal items.
• Please help to keep the church compound clean. For example: dispose used tissues or wastes properly.
• If you need a mask during worship, please approach the ushers.
4. Please uphold this Wuhan Coronavirus situation in your daily prayers.