

请使用合力追踪 (TraceTogether) 进行疫苗接种者和非接种者入场登记 Poster


With the recent updates by the government on Transition Phase, after prayerful consideration, the Deacon Board has decided w.e.f. 28 November, to reconfigure level 2 into one zone for 100 vaccinated worshippers (including those who have undergone pre-event testing (PET) within 24 hours). Level 3 remains unchanged at 30 worshippers and can be opened when needed. CC Saturday service will remain limited to 50 worshippers who may be unvaccinated to attend without undergoing PET. All worship services will continue to be accessible online at the designated times. Please contact your EXCO for more details.

Using TraceTogether for Vaccination-Differentiated Entry Poster