
随着政府最近更新防疫过渡阶段的措施,执事会经过祷告及慎重考虑后,决定从2022年2月1日起,周六和周日崇拜都开放给 130位已接受疫苗接种的会众实体崇拜。出席崇拜的会众必须已完全接种疫苗。在12岁或以下未完全接种疫苗的小孩,可以由同住已完全接种疫苗的家人陪同下出席。所有崇拜也同时有线上直播。有关详情请向所属堂会的堂委查询。

请使用合力追踪 (TraceTogether) 进行疫苗接种者和非接种者入场登记 Poster


With the recent updates by the government on Transition Phase, after prayerful consideration, the Deacon Board has decided w.e.f. 1 February 2022, worship services that are held on Saturday and Sunday will cater for 130 vaccinated worshippers each. Worshippers attending services must be fully vaccinated. Children who are 12 years old and below, who are unvaccinated, can attend services if they are accompanied by fully vaccinated member of the same household. All worship services will continue to be accessible online at the designated times. Please contact your EXCO for more details.

Using TraceTogether for Vaccination-Differentiated Entry Poster