Missions @ Grace 差传@怀恩堂

Mobilise | Equip | Facilitate | Serve

Since its inception, the Lord has impressed & given Grace Church pastors & leaders a vision & burden to reach the lost in the world. From 1974, we began sending out our first missionaries & organising our annual Missions Convention every June. Praise the Lord for blessing the past 50+ years of Grace Church’s partnership in the gospel & missions!

A Missional Discipleship Church in which

  • Every Worshipper of Grace Church is a Missional Disciple, 

  • Grace Church is a Missional Partner for the Great Commission

To mobilise, equip, facilitate & serve the Christian community to participate in God’s Mission.

Missions Education

Develop, plan, conduct & review Missions Education curriculum for children, youth, & adult congregations. Includes bi-monthly Missions Connect & Moriah fellowship


Plan & execute Annual Missions Convention main program & sub-committees

Local Cross-Cultural Ministries

 Ministries include SAM (South Asian Migrant) ministry, ISO (International Students Outreach), CFM (Chinese Friends Ministry), & IDW (Indonesian Domestic Workers)


Daily & weekly missions ministry operations & co-ordination led by the missions staff team. 

Mission Trips

Plan, co-ordinate, provide training for overseas mission trips as well as digital missions

Care & Prayer

Engage & communicate with congregations & CGs about our Missions Partners & their Member Care prayers & needs.

If you are interested, considering serving in Missions@Grace, click here to complete/submit a Google Form & we will follow-up with you shortly.
You can also email us @ missions@gsccc.org.sg.

Missions Partners, Projects & Missions-Focused Organizations (MFOs)

We are currently supporting 90 missions workers & 23 projects, serving in 30 mission fields, partnering with 29 MFOs, including the following: